Fall 2017

AOE 5244 : Optimization Techniques (audit)

Adobe Acrobat document [232.6 KB]

Spring 2017

AOE 6744: Linear Control Theory (audit)

Adobe Acrobat document [16.5 KB]

Spring 2016

ME 6574: Adaptive Contol Systems

Fall 2015

ME 5574: Nonlinear Systems Theory

Spring 2015

ME 5984: SS:Terramechanics

Fall 2014

MATH 5485: Numer Analy and Softw

Fall 2013

STAT 5615: Statistics in Research I

Statistics in Research I.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [170.3 KB]

Spring 2013

ME-5506 Advanced Control Engineering 

Syllabus ME 5506.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [78.2 KB]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.2 MB]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.3 MB]
Text document [9.0 KB]

ME 5654 Modeling and Simulation of Multibody Dynamic Systems

Adobe Acrobat document [84.8 KB]

Fall 2012

ESM 5314 Inter. Dynamics

The purpose of this course is to ensure that the student has a firm grasp of the fundamentals of analytical dynamics and 3D rigid body motion.

The course will extend the student’s knowledge of dynamics into areas not covered or covered only briefly at the undergraduate level, e.g., Lagrange’s equations, D’Alembert’s principle, quasi-velocities, phase plane analysis. In summary, we will discuss ways of

  • (1) describing the motion for some classes of mechanical systems in terms of configuration variables, 
  • (2) writing down the equations of motion for those systems, usually ODEs for the configuration variables,  
  • (3) methods for finding and classifying the possible motions (i.e., solving the equations of motion) and analyzing the characteristics of the motion (e.g., using phase plane analysis).

ME-5554 Applied Linear Systems 

Develop an applied understanding of state-space representations for linear time invariant multi-input multi-output dynamic systems in both time domain and frequency domain. Introduction to modern state-space control methods; state feedback and output feedback. Realistic design problems with numerical simulations of practical implementations.

ME 4324 Robotics and Automation Principles of Robotic Systems

Adobe Acrobat document [84.8 KB]

Spring 2012

Math 4984:Programming and Mathematical Problem Solving

Math 4984.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [215.1 KB]


Sebastien Corner


email: sebastiencorner@gmail.com


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